In the aftermath of the Krisdea-Veramonde conflict, Nastra Destatte embarked on a journey of self-enlightment along with the likes of Fuba Westring, who was a notable figure in Liberation Army. It appeared that upon taking his leave of Krisdea, Nastra severed all ties he once had with the republic, leaving no trace in the wake of his departure...
Now, in the year 3940 HD, roughly nine years after Krisdea's liberation, Nastra has returned with a new perspective and better understanding of the world of Beryllusir. His return would ease tension in the citizens... All save for one individual who, despite the outcome of the war, still seeks the truth to all that he deems false.
Enter Johan, son of the former leader of the Liberation Army. During the war he dabbled in swordplay, and often condemned violence... Such was the reason why he refused to take part in the war. However, upon acknowledging the death of his father, questions would arise, most of which he could not find the answer to... Follow Johan, as he begins his Quest for Vengeance...
Special Thanks to Kamau for allowing the production of both this site and the Fan Game. - Legion Saga Website
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