By Johan Keilmer


This system of combat was mainly created for skirmishes that may take place between a small faction of a nation's army, be it at the border, or in the midst of a town under siege. This system is based on the concept of "rock, paper, scissors". If you've played the first Suikoden, you would have a slight grasp of how this system works.

Basic Rules:

Advanced Rules:

Strengths & Weaknesses - The strengths and weaknesses rule is what adds the tactical aspect to this system. To help explain how this part of the system works, I will use an example.

Johan uses his Artillery
Tserth uses his Infantry

Now, let's keep in mind that Johan is making the attack, while Tserth is defending. Johan goes all out with his unit, firing each and every one of his cannons against the charging infantry of Tserth. After posting, they roll the die.(/dice x, y)
x=number of sides per die
y=number of dice to roll)

Johan rolls a 100-sided die and gets: 42/100

42 would be the base damage, but beings that Tserth's infantry suffers a weakness, there's a bonus effect. What we do here is take "HALF" of the number of troops sent in that unit(50), and add that number onto the base damage(42) so.. (50+42=92). With that, we get a final total(92), this is the damage dealt to Tserth's unit.

Now I will explain weaknesses using yet another example.

Tserth uses his Archers
Johan uses his Infantry

It's Tserth's turn to attack, and he does so with 50 troops of his archery unit. Now, you've attacked a unit that you suffer a weakness to. Half of your troops automatically die in combat, leaving you with 25 to finish your attack. We now roll the die.

Tserth rolls a 25-sided die and gets: 16/25

We've got our base damage(16), but due to the weakness, no further calculations have to be made. You've killed a WHOPPING 16 troops of Johan's infantry unit.(lol) And on top of that, lost 25 of your own.

It doesn't get any more harder than that. If by some way you and your opponent chose the same method of attacking, then all calculations will be avoided and you simply base your damage on what you rolled.

General Bonuses - All general units are granted a special unit. (Note: State somewhere in your chat profile of character biography that you have this unit -- e.g. Johan has special armored infantry or advanced artillery or magically enhanced arrows -- etc.)

Unit Acceptions - For the sake of RP, I'll allow just about any type of unit, so long as they fall under the category of each "main" unit.


I'm accepting any suggestions as to how I can improve this system, please feel free to IM me with suggestions and ideas, I will try and integrate them into the system as best I can.